Your questions answered.
Frequently asked questions.

Why are you against the cull?
We believe it to be not scientific and causes destruction of innocent beings. To find out more visit: https://www.badgertrust.org.uk/cull
What should I do if I see a wounded badger?
We are not set up to help injured animals ourselves so advise people to call one of the following wildlife rescues:
Secret world: 01278 783250 https://www.secretworld.org
Oak and Furrows: 01793 751412 https://www.oandf.co.uk
What should I do if I find any traps while out sett surveying?
Gin traps, self-locking snares and many other kinds of animal traps are illegal and should be removed. If in doubt, send us a picture and a location (grid refence) we can then report it to the relevant authorities
Using public footpaths and the law.
Am I legally allowed to be doing this?
Yes, you are.
Many farms/fields and woods have public footpaths running through them which allows us to carry this out and remain completely within the law, provided we follow the guidance which is clearly explained in the following article:
How do I know which parts of a farm/fields and woods I can access?
You must only access areas marked as a public right of way.
When looking at an ordinance survey map public rights of way will be indicated in a specific colour depending on the type of map you have. On the OS explorer map all public rights of way are shown in green. This is the most detailed map available and the one we recommend you use when walking in the countryside.
This link explains all of the public rights of way available to you when walking in the countryside:
You can purchase a paper copy or download the OS Maps app for your smartphone. This option does rely on you having an internet connection so is worth downloading offline sections of the area you’re going to be visiting when you do have connection.
Also remember if you have no internet, you’ll need a compass too. Basic map reading skills are useful for at least one member of your group.
What if somebody tells me I’m trespassing? Can I get into trouble?
Some landowners may try to tell you that you cannot be on their land. A good working knowledge of the footpaths you are using will help you in this situation.
If you do accidentally get lost, don’t panic, just make your way safely and carefully back to the public footpath and continue with your walk. There is lots of information available online about trespassing and the law, but essentially it is not a criminal offence to accidentally be on somebody’s land providing you do not do anything to damage property or intimidate them and leave promptly when asked.
This article is an easy read on the basics of trespass law: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2007/jun/08/yourrights.legal
This one is a little more in depth:
Below is a link to landowner responsibilities, we also recommend you familiarise yourself with this before setting off.