Join us in the fight to save local badgers.
AABC is run completely by volunteers, we come from many different walks of life and have different skills we bring to the group and we are always looking for others to join us.
There are many ways you can get involved, if you are based in the “Avon” area you can help out in direct ways or if you are not local but would like to get involved or are not physically able to come out walking with us there are other ways you can help.
Sett surveying
Badger patrols
This involves walking every area of our zone to find any badger activity, setts (where they live) or signs badgers may near be nearby, This is then all documented for when the cull comes around. See more here.
Badger patrols are walks along legal footpaths. They are often in the evening with a group of people with torches and hi-vis vests. They run throughout the badger cull period. See more here.
We need vital funds for equipment and fuel to protect our badgers. Volunteers can raise funds through sponsered runs, car boot sales, vegan fairs and cake sales.
Let us know how you want to be involved or skills you can offer.